Google has announced that two-factor authentication will be used on some selected user accounts. The tech giant said the two-factor authentication will be use to protect users from online security threats, even if those users used weaker password on their accounts.
According to Mark Risher, Director of Product Management, Identity and User Security at Google, he said “Soon Google will implement two-factor authentication on users if their accounts are appropriately configured,” (Users can check the status of their account in our Security Checkup).”
Google said that two-factor authentication is one of the best ways to protect your account, even if a third party knows your password or not. A second form of verification which can be sent through the the app or SMS for users to confirm that they are the one logging in to the account.
Facebook and Whatsapp already has two-factor authentication features on their platform which enable users to verified their log in process through SMS for second validation.
Google said users have been searching for “how strong is my password” increased by 300% in 2020, showing how users take their online security serious.
Unfortunately, the search giant said 66% or Americans admit to using the same password across multiple sites, which is the not best practice.
Google said users should create different or unique password for multiple accounts and website. Don’t forget to use two-factor authentication on accounts or sites which has the two-factor authentication features on their platform.